Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reflection week4

We began the class by learning how to post YouTube video on to our blog. So I'll probably use it to share some something interesting related to our debate discussion but as of right now I don't have anything to post on that.
On our individual project, that was a warm up to the picking a debate topic, I may have taken a bit too long putting my ideas together. I spent finding the images on Google then I had to add the actual content. I still need to finish that part thought I kind of know what I'm going to say on the subject.
The last assignment of the class was to get together as a group and come up with a topic that had two sides to argue. Though we did have several topics to choose from we choose to do one on governmental cover ups on issues relating to the 911 bombings. I'm not sure how I'm going to argue for this topic but I was thinking of arguing it as we did in liberal studies where the object of study is analyzed through some greater ideology to come up with some conclusion on the object discussed. This may be a good way to lead in to the discussion of controversy or a concluding thought.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Reflective Summary

Well today was a different class, we sat at the computers putting together a concept map of what our findings were on critical thinking. Though we, my group partner and I, had the opportunity to make an map of all images that connect and represent critical thinking, we did both text and images. We started with big blocks of text that seem to defeat the point of the Inspiration program, but we put more images that relate to what our research described. I liked doing the project is helped make a big idea like critial thiniking an breaking it down to smaller, practical sections that can be easily conceptualized into smaller bits of information. It made explaining a concept easier to literally see. I can see the usefulness  of having such a tool in a class room.

Critical Thinking Concept Map